Scarborough Beach DVD

scarborough beach DVDThe Scarborough Beach DVD shows familiar and some unseen video clips of Scarborough Beach. Yes you'll see beautiful beaches and bodies, surf etc, but you'll also see it from the water at night, exotic flowers, some of the hinterland, activities and thanks to Hotel Rendezvous, views all the way to Fremantle Harbour in the south and Trigg Island to the north.

The aim of the Scarborough Beach DVD is to show off Scarborough to the world. Tourism is the main business of Scarborough and more such as this website and DVDs are needed to promote Scarborough.  Be proud of Scarborough as the FINEST beach in THE WORLD.  If you know some homesick Scarboroughites or someone thinking of visiting Scarborough or tourists who've enjoyed Scarborough Beach, then my expense of producing the Scarborough Beach DVD preview is donated free for you to:

@ Secure credit card payment of US$17 there is no-profit for us in selling the Scarborough Beach video DVD. It's our donation to help promote Scarborough Beach as a tourist destination.  If any hospitality businesses want to feature in the next edition phone

Scarborough Beach major sponsor
POB 334 Scarborough Beach, Western Australia, 6922

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