Scarborough Beach
Perth Western Australia
from 2001 Australian Census |
Scarborough Population |
12,048 |
Sexes |
6102 females
5946 males |
Median age of residents |
32 |
Distance (km) from Perth GPO |
12 |
Number of homes |
7,100 |
Fully owned |
25% |
Renters |
37% |
Median House Sale Price |
$417,000 |
Median weekly rent |
$175 |
Average lot sizes |
800m2 |
Separate houses |
2,183 |
Semi-detached houses |
2,395 |
Apartments |
1,604 |
Median monthly home loan repayment |
$,1005 |
Median household weekly income |
$790 |
Professionals |
24% |
Clerical, Sales, Service |
30% |
Couple without children |
1381 |
Couple with children |
811 |
Unemployed |
8% |
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POB 334
Beach, Western Australia, 6922
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