Suburb Statistics

Scarborough Beach
Perth Western Australia

scarborough beach perth western australia

Compare Scarborough Suburb Statistics of Education & Income Vs Perth Towns / Councils

from 2001 Australian Census

Scarborough Population 12,048
Sexes 6102 females
5946 males  
Median age of residents 32
Distance (km) from Perth GPO 12
Number of homes 7,100
Fully owned 25%
Renters 37%
Median House Sale Price $417,000
Median weekly rent $175
Average  lot sizes 800m2
Separate houses 2,183
Semi-detached houses 2,395
Apartments 1,604
Median monthly home loan repayment $,1005
Median household weekly income $790
Professionals 24%
Clerical, Sales, Service 30%
Couple without children 1381
Couple with children  811
Unemployed 8%

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POB 334 Scarborough Beach, Western Australia, 6922

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